SEO Chicago Animated Headline

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Link Buying Catastrophes And Other Acts of Bravery

".... Like Doing The Texas Two Step In A Mine Field.... (Oh So I Hear...)


Its always refreshing to see the dawning of a new age. Internet marketing is on a new plateau and smart companies have latched onto it. But along this winning curve comes a sinister shadow lurking in the background.

In a recent bid for new projects The University of Michigan reared its ugly head and butted into a few of my business deals. Apparently these guys have self nominated themselves as "experts" in the field of Search Engine Marketing... and that alone is laughable.

Even stranger yet as I drove by their media department on State street last week I noticed the entire building was in a state of rubble. The U of M have sided with the State of Michigan and they are deciding whats in YOUR best interest when it comes to online marketing.

These guys may have good intentions but its downright frightening when you bring on these technocrats into the picture. The "scene" is doomed from the start when you have individuals who self nominate themselves as experts in the field. Its the consumer who ends up getting screwed, even if they agree to pay half of the bill.

The criteria they base their knowledge on is very limited. They simply have no concept of what it takes to make a page rank properly. There is a kick back system in place that is not too well known but its crap business

Your state.... Illinois could be next.

You don't have to wait for the State to come and stomp your company into the dust. Your enemies in the big city come in many different shapes and sizes. In most common cases they come in the form of Advertising Agencies.

A recent post on Craigslist got my attention. This large advertising agency has declared themselves the new "Bad Boys" of Search Engine Marketing. Only one little problem. These guys were awarded a large amount of money to start up a department and have no idea what they were doing. I was exchanging emails for a while with the "CEO" of this new partner and startup.

It didn't take me too long to figure out this guy had no idea what he was getting himself into. The questions I will post below should wake you up and startle you a bit.

** "What exactly is a blog ??"
** "Are site maps really necessary??"
** "How do I get our sites into the right directories??"

Good lord. And this guy was trying to dangle a golden carrot of only a thousand bucks a week to hold his hand through this SEO Process. Yes I know after four months I will be "fired" because thats how these heathens operate.

Word to the wise -- "You're going to need a BIGGER carrot".

By the way, these groups and so many others I talk to say that buying links is A-OKAY. But before you take their "advice" and get yourself banned and blacklisted. I want to take this to the REAL expert.....

Check this out....
Matt Cutts, (Google Kingpin) on Link Buying

Don't be a sucker.

Posted by Ted Cantu, on May 16, 2007 at 8:45 am and can be found at

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