The big news this week is that Google is changing its cookie policy. Instead of waiting until 2038 for your cookies to expire they will be null and void in two years !!
This means that if you want to have high search engine rankings you need to keep valid. You need to have spiders reference your site with updated content. This is actually pretty good news for you when you really get down to it.
Consider for a minute how many web site companies out there who don't take care of their customers. Its in the millions trust me. Then combine that with the number of web site owners who don't give a hoo-ha about their own web sites. What you are left with are a lot of neglected web sites who just sit around collecting cyber dust.
This new policy screams for new content. But more importantly you need to alert the search engines so that your pages stay relevant. Apparently there is a loop hole for this and sites can still get ranked and listed.
This is a good thing for those who want to stomp all over their competitors.
Ted Cantu posted this on July22, 2007 at 8:49 am
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